So the title is Whoa because I looked at how long it has been since I blogged and then I just thought it was funny because the boys are riding a pig :)

We had the pleasure of having cousin Katherine and aunt Michelle visiting last week we loaded up and headed to Seattle for the weekend. We had a great time and great weather.
Here is Gavin climbing the Space Needle. It was an awesome surprise that we got there and it was free to get in-that was like 100$ savings. We also went to the aquarium which was great but not very stroller friendly. The boys were also disappointed that there were no sharks. What can I say Andrew watched some Shark week and that was all they talked about.
Here is Aunt Michelle and Drew enjoying the view. Michelle watched all the kids at the hotel and we got a date night in a real city. Thanks aunt shell!
J. has become quite the little man. He has a couple of words-all right (said as a redneck thanks to his Daddy), hot, mama, dada, the beginning of ut-oh, and almost Harper. The boy can climb! Enough said, I don't want to talk about what he has climbed because I might loose all of my Mommy points.
As far as the boys, they are doing well and also becoming little men. I know I have said it before but we really have to watch what we say. The other day Drew told Gav that he hurt his feelings and Gav said I'm sorry Drew I don't want to hurt your feelings. So luckily they are getting some of the good stuff too.
They also know almost all of the letters and they have kind of taught themselves. They know the letter because of peoples names so we are running with it and now working on the sounds they make. For instance, they know M for Mary (our small group leader), Mommy, and Michelle. They find letters everywhere! Today Drew made the connection that D says duh. They will be reading before we know it. Which leads me to another thing that just happened today. We got a call last week that they had one spot in preschool-well that does us a lot of good. Today I got the call that there was another withdrawal- we are all in! I just feel like a burden has been lifted. I can almost picture it. Grocery shopping with just one-I have never had that before. They are excited but disappointed that they don't get to ride a bus-that will also be here before we know it. They are settling for riding Mommy's bus. My Mon. and Wed. will never be the same!!!!! Today was just a great day all around. J slept until 8. I got a call and got to teach again-yes, I taught two classes today before 11! The boys have been good and then I got a call about preschool. I know I need a nap but I have too much adrenaline going right now I am so excited or maybe it is the Diet Coke I treated myself too(I am starting to blog like my sister!)?
Anyway, sorry it had been way too long but I decided to start what is going on right now and maybe fill in some stuff from the last month and a half. Thanks for reading!