We went to the MOPS (moms of preschoolers) Easter Egg hunt the week before Easter. The boys really had no idea what they were doing. They would pick up one egg and just kind of look at it. James was not a big fan of the grass so at least he would stay put when we put him down so that made things a little easier. We also heard the Easter story by opening eggs and having something inside to help
The Saturday before Easter (the day before), we went to the Twice and Thrice -twin's group Egg hunt and saw the Easter bunny. I was a little worried about how they would react because of years past and the fact that they would just wave at the bunny at the mall and did not want to shake his hand at the the mall. They did fine. We did not get very good pictures because all the kids were crowding the poor bunny. The boys would get close to the bunny when he was holding J. but would go no where near without J. being close. I think they were looking out for their little buddy.
This time when it was time for the hunt they knew what to do. They were good. It was very windy and cold so we were pretty quick about it. Andrew gave me a hard time about buying the 1.50 buckets but I think it was an investment for the future. They will use them again next year. I didn't tell him that I really wanted to get one for J. but did not this year. I will have to look for one on clearance now for him for next year. I am lucky to have such a frugal husband, but every kids needs an Easter bucket, right? Maybe it is just because I never had one and we did the plastic or paper bag thing.
I asked if they remembered what we were going to do yesterday morning when they woke up and Gavin said, "Go hunt Easter Eggs?" I said no take books back to the library, so sorry to disappoint the little guy. I guess he was beginning to think that was an every Sat. occurrence.
We are so blessed to have such beautiful boys and such a reason to celebrate. The death and resurrection of our Savior is something we want to remember at Easter and that is not about the eggs, bunny, and candy. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't want to downplay that and that is a little harder to capture in a picture. I hope that we instill in our boys and our readers that Jesus is the reason we celebrate on Easter. Hope you had a good one!