Thursday, April 19, 2007

Finally catching up to the times

Okay, so we are finally catching up with the rest of the world. This is a picture of us in Hawaii in 2005. It is one of my favorite pictures of us. We hiked to this beach and it was so beautiful. I can't imagine making that hike now. Why you may ask? Well, due to the twins the doctors have restricted me from exercise since like month 4. I am ready to get back to these days. Don't get me wrong, I love feeling the boys kick and squirm which they do a lot but I feel so much better with exercise. Okay, I am blabbering already. I want to thank you for checking us out and I hope to write often since I am in retirement from teaching and anxiously awaiting the birth of the boys. We had an appointment Tuesday and unfortunately they are still both head up so we are meeting with the anesthesiologist tomorrow to talk about a c-section. I have to be honest, that is the issue I have been most afraid of. The only surgery I have had was with my wisdom teeth and that went fairly well, but we have found that I am ultra sensitive to drugs. So, the whole epidural thing scares me and will my ab muscles be the same? I know that is vain and I will do what is best for the boys but I am still afraid. Please pray that they flip soon because the womb is getting full (they are almost 4 pounds each now) and the longer they wait the harder it will be. Well, we are going to Knoxville for Andrew's mom's birthday this weekend so I will try to post some more up to date pictures next week.


darcy said...

Go figure.. I am your first commenter. =)

Those boys need to BEHAVE and flip!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Denise, I'm Darcy's friend. Congrats on the boys and I'm praying they will start some gymnastics and flip!! ;) Have a great day!

Natalie said...

Welcome to the world of blogging:) Sorry to hear that the boys are head up, we will pray that they will flip soon. We love the title to your blog - very cute!

Coran said...

Welcome to blogging! I hope you are better about it than me! We'll be praying for you and the boys. :)

Julie Potts said...

Hey.. enjoy seeing the pictures of the boys on the ultrasound. Your big day is almost here! I am excited for you and Andrew. Best of luck..