Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Our church has been doing a series on anxiety. I don't know why I have felt so anxious since we have moved here. I know it is something that is a true temptation for me. Last Sunday pastor Dave pointed out that the Bible specifically says, "BE ANXIOUS ABOUT NOTHING". That is pretty clear on top of being a command. What he also pointed out was that anxiety and worry is a lack of faith. Jesus says a couple of times in the Bible, "O you of little faith." The times he said that was because the people he was talking to were showing their lack of faith by worrying and not trusting in Jesus. Peter walking on the water, when the disciples thought they had nothing to eat, and the disciples again during the storm while Jesus was asleep on the boat. All of those times were examples of not trusting in Him to take care of their basic needs. Everyone knows the verse about not worrying because he even cares for the birds and the grass. He even knows the number of hairs on our head. He is going to take care of our bodies and our minds. I have never really worried about my body as much as I have started being worried about the boys'. I have worried about their bodies and minds. Are they getting enough sleep, tummy time, nutrition? (the list goes on) Sunday was a great reminder that God created them and I need not worry, He is going to take care of them. That does not mean I am going to let them fend for themselves right now, but he has entrusted me to do what I think is best for them. Worrying is not going to help any of us. In fact, me worrying is not a good example to them or for them. I took this picture because I thought it was cute but then I started wondering if I am projecting my anxiousness on them?

Anyway, I think truly they just liked the light in the oven. The same verse that talks about being anxious about nothing also says-GIVE THANKS IN EVERYTHING. So, I want to give thanks for these beautiful boys and the chocolate chip cookies we enjoyed. Also, for an oven that does not get hot on the outside while it is baking.

I wanted to post a picture of our back yard which is being worked on even at this moment, but I will wait until it is finished. There I go again being anxious. So, you will just have to stay tuned to see that.

On a lighter note, I have been pretty serious on that last 2 posts. When I was pregnant those of you who were around me or that I talked to often knew that I could not get enough mac-n-cheese. Sometimes I would have it 3 times a day. I craved the stuff. Andrew thinks that is why Gavin has red hair. Seriously, I could not get enough if I would have been swimming in it. Well, I wondered if the boys would have a strong like or dislike because of all that I ate. Well, it turns out they have a strong LIKE for it. It is their favorite meal. I used to make it with sauteed squash and zucchini when I was spoon feeding them and they would eat so much it would almost make them sick. Well now that they are picking up their own food. . . Well, I think they picture says enough.

I could not decide which picture to use. I especially like the thumbs up in the one, but the cheese in the eyebrows is great in the other one. Now that I have shown 2 pictures of Gavin, let me tell a story about Drew. Drew has been waving for a while now, but it would take some coaxing. Yesterday as we were walking through Costco, Drew started waving at everyone. Most of you have heard me say that the one thing I was not prepared for when I has twins even though I was warned was how it takes longer to get anywhere when you are out in public. People are always asking you questions or wanting to tell you about twins they know. Well, now Drew -I guess has come to like the attention because now he is bringing it on. I don't know how many times I heard, "look, he is waving -oh look there are two. They are so cute!" Apparently, Drew would catch some one's eye and then start waving. I do have to admit, they are cute! I think Drew is going to be like his uncle Greg and be able to talk to a wall or like his Grandpa Garvin and go up to strangers and ask for a bite of what is on their plate. I guess I am just going to have to plan for even more extra time on our outings.


darcy said...

Okay.. I need those pictures for the boy pages. =)

Good post, sisser....

And are you doing my recipe swap? Does Sue want in?

darcy said...

Maybe your recipe could be mac and cheese...


Anonymous said...

Hey...I sent you an email but it was returned...do you still have your hotmail account??? If you have changed it...send me a new one and I will resend. I love checking the blog!!!!! I must update mine!!! Maybe tomorrow.
