Monday, June 30, 2008

Is Anyone out there?

I am not really doing this blog to get more and more people to read it, but it would be nice to sometimes know that it is being read. I get people that tell me all the time, "well, I read on your blog . . " It is not a lot of work to keep this up, and I would probably still do it if no one was reading but sometimes just a "thank you for the recent pictures" or "they are growing so fast," would be nice. If you want to correct my spelling or grammar that would be fine too, although you may have to remind me that I asked for that. It is really simple to do, all that you have to do is click on comments and then type what you want to say and you can click on anonymous if you don't have a sign in (but be sure to leave your name in the comments). This goes for you too, Grandparents. It would just be nice to get some feedback. You don't have to comment every time you read but once in a while would be nice.

Okay, enough of that, I will stop criticizing my readers because I do appreciate you reading.

There is not much going on here. We are getting ready for Grandma Greene to come this weekend. I have been taking some time for myself which means doing things that I think are fun around the house. Like sewing, painting and decorating. so I will post some of my recent projects.

This is some of the Uppercase Living lettering that I got at my party. The "Faith, Hope and Love" is on what I call our dust catcher. The "One day at a time", is a phrase that I had to have because it was something we said a lot with Mom's illness. I hope to paint that hutch black soon. I made the curtains a couple of months ago for the sliding doors. The pillow was something I did while messing around with some cloth napkins and my sewing machine. I made another one just like it (I had 4 napkins) and I made the pillow behind the embroidered pillow a couple of months ago. I have one more thing that is not quite finished. Andrew finished it last night and the paint has to dry really well before I put the lettering on. It is nice to have the boys taking decent naps and I can't clean all the time! I still have not taken pictures of the back yard yet because we are not finished and it is so stinkin' hot here-105 degrees today! So, hopefully soon we will finish and get some pictures taken!

I will close with a picture of Drew and then one of both of the boys. Drew loves to climb. Of course he had to take everything out before he could get in. They tend to do this a lot lately. We are ready for the phase that Jett and Bray are going through when they like to clean.


Jodie said...

Hey Denise,
I'm checking your blog often if not daily! :) I know exactly how you feel... sometimes it's nice to know that others are reading and enjoying our blogs. I have not got your emails. I sent you another one with a new address but I'll go ahead and leave it here too so we can get in touch. Try using this email:
Love the lettering you did! Wish your house and you were closer so I could visit in person but it's nice to see it online! :) Have a great evening!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Denise,
Your blog commentary is so insightful. Our son is so blessed to be married to someone who is so spiritually oriented!!
Keep up the good work!
We love you dearly.
I wish I could share in some of the time Sandee will get to spend with you. I'll have to figure out how to make up for the lack!

Anonymous said...

He Denise! I'm GUILTY!! I've been keeping up with you and the boys through your bolg but have never responded. It has been great to watch your family grow. I wished I had doen this when my twins were smaller, but I always thought who would read it!! I will tell you one thing..these little boys will grow up FAST! Mine have! We are dealing with kaden just breaking his femur bone while we were on vacation! It's been tough! I would love to email with you. my address is The boys are adorable! tell Andrew hi! Take care..Traci Honeycutt

kelmatus said...

You caught me....I read your blog several times a week, and never leave comments. I will try harder! lol!!!

Unknown said...

Hi I have been reading...I just don't ever want anyone to think i am a stalker.

I was one of Darcy's friends, i met you at MOTTS...I am Jackson's mom. You boys are adorable.

The Haughs said...

Oh Denise. . . I know how you feel! I ALWAYS read your blog. I check it every day, probably!

I love the Uppercase Living stuff. No one really sells it around here. . .

The boys are growing so fast and are so cute! Glad they take nice naps for you. We're getting there! :)

Amy and Scott said...

Hi Denise, This is Amy (formerly Nicolai) Augustine and I read your blog because Darcy has a link to it on hers. Your boys are adorable!! You are a great mom! I am so excited to see Darcy and meet her Adie in a few weeks. We have our 10-year WHS reunion. I feel old. Keep blogging! :)

Brian, Beth, Garrett, Lucy, Brooks and Deacon White said...

hahahahaha! i love you...i loved that you called out all of your readers ON the blog! people tell me the same thing all the time & i have to stop myself from YELLING "well leave a comment, then!" geeessshhh! ;-) love seeing your *projects*...hope to have some of those going myself soon. love you, honey - i will "continue" commenting as i have been a faithful commenter in the past! :-)

Dan Temple said...


I read your blog about once a week. Your boys are growing so fast.

Unfortunately Aidan doesn't take those great naps and is teething, so very clingy.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Denise I found your blog about a month ago wish I could remember how. I caught the comment you moved to Wa. State so had to find out where. I ended up reading quite a bit of it till I found out Richland. I am in Walla Walla and check in off and on. Hope your enjoying your time there and keeping cool. I enjoy seeing your boys.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you are doing great! Your little ones are adorable. Interesting to follow your blog. Sounds like you have a happy life! I am so glad for you! You are still such a special young lady to me!!
Sue Ann Mitchell

darcy said...

you little goober.. You WILL NOT close down this blog. See.. a ton of people are reading it! And even if no one was commenting.. I would make you keep it because it's my Drew & Gavin fixation area. Yep.

JAMES & SUSAN said...

I check your blog about once a week for updates... though I've been quite the slacker lately! I love seeing pictures of the boys and how quickly they are growing!! I hope that you're doing well and that the Washington isn't too hot yet...
Love ya!

Mitzi and Jason Pierce said...

i completely understand.. i try to check your blog about every week. we do miss you and i so love seeing pics of the boys and how they are growing. it is fun to see where xander is headed. i was so excited for you and andrew doing your mini-marathon too. how exciting. i hope if you are ever in town we can get a big group together and hug your neck.
love ya,